Athlete Experience
FITniche will help you provide:
✓ Expedited Packet Pickup
✓ On-the-go communication
✓ Course maps
✓ Live map tracking
✓ Results hosting and measurable Sponsorship exposure, all in one place.
Ready Talk To An Expert?
Tony Trotti
Cell: 863-289-7656
Develop a Custom Event Landing Page
Build a custom design for your event’s mobile and desktop experience.
- Create an Event Landing Page to be featured on
- Send Athletes push notifications before, during and after your event
- Upload images and shareable links to promote Athlete engagement
Provide Athlete Tracking
Partnered with Athlinks Results, FITniche now has the ability to service LIVE Athlete Map Tracking.
- Allow race spectators to visualize what segment of the course their Athlete is currently on, based on when and where the last time an Athlete crossed a timing location
- Robust map visuals such as street names, city structures for point of reference, and even on-course elevation trackers
- A service provided for any race type, including triathlons, obstacle racecourses, and ultras
Live Results
Host your Athlete’s Results and Media all in one place:
- Host individual results with official timing splits
- Create customizable Finisher Certificates to download and share
- Track how and where your Athlete posts their certificate
Ready? Talk To An Expert.
Tony Trotti
Cell: 863-289-7656